5. Design Specification

Assignment 5: Design Specification #

Due date: 10/11/2024

Task: Select the project that you like best from a pool of entry-level projects created by veterans throughout the start of the semester, form a team with the people interested in the same project, and create a design specification which the project’s creator(s) will review with you in-person. See course roadmap for how this plays out chronologically.

Learning objectives:

  • Become acquainted with one of our main systems, while respecting individual interests.
  • Gain the ability to integrate a new feature from scratch.
  • Understand how collaboration works in software.
Note: This intentionally coincides with a few sessions that go over the architecture of our systems (see the course roadmap). There is a lot of logistics to work out here, but I wanted to remark on only allowing up to a certain amount of individuals per project (maybe 2 or 3).